Monday, 30 March 2015

Clear Dental Braces

Discreet Correction – So You Don’t Have to be Self-Conscious!

Technology is always changing in the field of dentistry, and the reality of braces has advanced as well. The traditional metal braces that wrapped around a tooth are now replaced with brackets that are bonded just to the front surface of the tooth. These brackets can be clear or tooth-colored, so they are less visible. Wires are much thinner and not as obvious as they gently move teeth to a new position.

There are also lingual braces, which are positioned on the back of teeth and are completely unnoticeable. These work well for adults who need a very professional look for their job or community commitments.

Lim and Yabu  
Geraldine Lim, DDS & Eric Yabu, DDS   
4174 Park Boulevard, Suite A  
Oakland, CA 94602  
(510) 530-7000

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